toolbox Package

action Module

Phase-space variable conversions related to action. Single-RF case without intensity effects is considered.


Helga Timko

blond.toolbox.action.action_from_oscillation_amplitude(RFStation, dtmax, timestep=0, Np_histogram=None)

Returns the relative action for given oscillation amplitude in time, assuming single-harmonic RF system and no intensity effects. Action is normalised to the value at the separatrix, given in units of 1. Optional: RF parameters at a given timestep (default = 0) are used. Optional: Number of points for histogram output


Returns the relative action for given oscillation amplitude in time. Action is normalised to the value at the separatrix, given in units of 1.

blond.toolbox.action.oscillation_amplitude_from_coordinates(Ring, RFStation, dt, dE, timestep=0, Np_histogram=None)

Returns the oscillation amplitude in time for given particle coordinates, assuming single-harmonic RF system and no intensity effects. Optional: RF parameters at a given timestep (default = 0) are used. Optional: Number of points for histogram output


Find the amplitude of synchrotron oscillations in phase corresponding to a given tune w.r.t. the central synchrotron frequency


Find the tune w.r.t. the central synchrotron frequency corresponding to a given amplitude of synchrotron oscillations in phase


diffusion Module

Numerical diffusion model based on Ivanov (1992). Stationary single-harmonic RF bucket is considered.


Helga Timko

blond.toolbox.diffusion.phase_noise_diffusion(Ring, RFStation, spectrum, distribution, distributionBins, Ngrids=200, M=1, iterations=100000, figdir=None)

Calculate diffusion in action space according to a given double-sided phase noise spectrum, on a uniform grid in oscillation amplitude. The spectrum is defined on the grid points (Ngrids + 1 points) for all M. The particle distribution in action is defined on the grids (Ngrids points). Returns the diffused action distribution. Optional: define number of side-bands (M) to be taken into account, default is M = 1; N.B. this will only give impair modes for phase noise. Optional: number of iterations to track. Optional: save figures into directory ‘figdir’.

filters_and_fitting Module

**Fitting and filters routines to be used alone or with the Profile class in

the beam package. **


Danilo Quartullo, Alexandre Lasheen, Juan F. Esteban Mueller

blond.toolbox.filters_and_fitting.beam_profile_filter_chebyshev(Y_array, X_array, filter_option)

This routine is filtering the beam profile with a type II Chebyshev filter. The input is a library having the following structure and informations:

filter_option = {‘type’:’chebyshev’, ‘pass_frequency’:pass_frequency, ‘stop_frequency’:stop_frequency, ‘gain_pass’:gain_pass, ‘gain_stop’:gain_stop}

The function returns nCoefficients, the number of coefficients used in the filter. You can also add the following option to plot and return the filter transfer function:

filter_option = {…, ‘transfer_function_plot’:True}

blond.toolbox.filters_and_fitting.fwhm(Y_array, X_array, shift=0)

Computation of the bunch length and position from the FWHM assuming Gaussian line density.

blond.toolbox.filters_and_fitting.fwhm_multibunch(Y_array, X_array, n_bunches, bunch_spacing_buckets, bucket_size_tau, bucket_tolerance=0.4, shift=0)

Computation of the bunch length and position from the FWHM assuming Gaussian line density for multibunch case.

blond.toolbox.filters_and_fitting.gauss(x, *p)

Defined as:

\[A \, e^{\frac{\left(x-x_0\right)^2}{2\sigma_x^2}}\]
blond.toolbox.filters_and_fitting.gaussian_fit(Y_array, X_array, p0)

Gaussian fit of the profile, in order to get the bunch length and position. Returns fit values in units of s.

blond.toolbox.filters_and_fitting.rms(Y_array, X_array)

Computation of the RMS bunch length and position from the line density (bunch length = 4sigma).

blond.toolbox.filters_and_fitting.rms_multibunch(Y_array, X_array, n_bunches, bunch_spacing_buckets, bucket_size_tau, bucket_tolerance=0.4)

Computation of the rms bunch length (4sigma) and position.

logger Module

Logging messages


Helga Timko

class blond.toolbox.logger.Logger(debug=False)

Bases: object

Class to log messages coming from other classes. Messages contain {Time stamp} {Class name} {Log level} {Message}. Errors, warnings and info are logged into the console. To disable logging, call Logger().disable()


debug (bool) – Log DEBUG messages in ‘debug.log’; default is False


Disables all logging.

next_regular Module

Optimised next_regular routine to generate Hamming numbers: the output will contain at least one factor 2.


Alexandre Lasheen, Juan F. Esteban Mueller, Danilo Quartullo


Find the next regular number greater than or equal to target. Regular numbers are composites of the prime factors 2, 3, and 5. Also known as 5-smooth numbers or Hamming numbers, these are the optimal size for inputs to FFTPACK.

Target must be a positive integer.

parameter_scaling Module

Scaling of longitudinal beam and machine parameters, with user interface.


Konstantinos Iliakis, Helga Timko

class blond.toolbox.parameter_scaling.ParameterScaling

Bases: object

property dE_b
property delta_b
property emittance
property integral
property phi_b

tomoscope Module

** CERN Tomoscope-related functions to generate particle distribution or probability density.**


Helga Timko

blond.toolbox.tomoscope.distribution_from_tomoscope_data(dataDir, nPart, cutoff=1000, seed=1234, plotFig=True, saveDistr=False)

‘dataDir’ is the directory of directories of offline-processed tomoscope data containing ‘’ and ‘’ Use ‘cutoff’ to eliminate measurement noise (use values around 50-100). Use ‘seed’ to change the random number seed. Use ‘plotFig = True’ to plot and save figures. Use ‘saveDistr = True’ to save particle coordinates.