plots Package

plot Module

Class to choose plots and customize plot layout


Helga Timko

class blond.plots.plot.Plot(Ring, RFStation, Beam, dt_plot, dt_bckp, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xunit='s', sampling=1, separatrix_plot=False, histograms_plot=True, Profile=None, h5file=None, output_frequency=1, PhaseLoop=None, LHCNoiseFB=None, format_options=None)

Bases: object

Optional import of PhaseLoop
Import Beam
Optional sampling of monitored quantities
Plotting frequency in units of time steps
Import Ring
Optional import of Monitor file
Histogram in phase space plot ‘True’ or ‘False’
Optional import of LHCNoiseFB
Optional import of Profile
reset_frame(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
Import RFStation
Sampling of large arrays (where applicable)
Separatrix in phase space plot ‘True’ or ‘False’

Initialize plot folder and custom plot formatting. For more options, see


Plot in certain time steps and depending on imported objects

Import actual time step RFStation
Plot limit (where applicable) maximum on x-axis [xunit]
Plot limit (where applicable) minimum on x-axis [xunit]
Choice of x-axis unit (where applicable) ‘s’ or ‘rad’
Plot limit (where applicable) maximum on y-axis [eV]
Plot limit (where applicable) minimum on y-axis [eV]

Create folder where plots will be stored.

plot_beams Module

Module to plot different bunch features


Helga Timko, Danilo Quartullo

blond.plots.plot_beams.plot_bunch_length_evol(RFStation, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Plot of r.m.s. 4-sigma bunch length [s] as a function of time.

blond.plots.plot_beams.plot_bunch_length_evol_gaussian(RFStation, Profile, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Plot of Gaussian 4-sigma bunch length [s] as a function of time. Requires profile.

blond.plots.plot_beams.plot_energy_evol(RFStation, h5data, output_freq=1, style='.', dirname='fig')
blond.plots.plot_beams.plot_long_phase_space(Ring, RFStation, Beam, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xunit='s', sampling=1, separatrix_plot=False, histograms_plot=True, dirname='fig', alpha=1, color='b')

Plot of longitudinal phase space. Optional use of histograms and separatrix. Choice of units: xunit = s, rad. For large amount of data, use “sampling” to plot a fraction of the data.

blond.plots.plot_beams.plot_position_evol(RFStation, h5data, output_freq=1, style='.', dirname='fig')
blond.plots.plot_beams.plot_transmitted_particles(RFStation, h5data, output_freq=1, style='.', dirname='fig')

plot_impedance Module

Module to plot different bunch features


Helga Timko, Danilo Quartullo

blond.plots.plot_impedance.plot_impedance_vs_frequency(counter, general_params, ind_volt_from_imp, option1='sum', option2='no_spectrum', option3='freq_fft', style='-', cut_left_right=None, cut_up_down=None, dirname='fig')

Plot of impedance vs frequency.

blond.plots.plot_impedance.plot_induced_voltage_vs_bin_centers(counter, general_params, total_voltage, style='-', dirname='fig')

Plot of induced voltage vs bin centers.

plot_llrf Module

Module to plot different LLRF features


Helga Timko, Danilo Quartullo

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_COM_motion(Ring, RFStation, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Evolution of bunch C.O.M. in longitudinal phase space. Optional use of histograms and separatrix.

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_LHCNoiseFB(RFStation, LHCNoiseFB, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Plot of the phase noise multiplication factor as a function of time. For large amount of data, monitor with larger ‘output_freq’.

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_LHCNoiseFB_FWHM(RFStation, LHCNoiseFB, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Plot of the FWHM bunch length used in LHCNoiseFB as a function of time. For large amount of data, monitor with larger ‘output_freq’.

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_LHCNoiseFB_FWHM_bbb(RFStation, LHCNoiseFB, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Plot of bunch-by-bunch FWHM bunch length used in LHCNoiseFB as a function of time. For large amount of data, monitor with larger ‘output_freq’.

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_PL_RF_freq(RFStation, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Plot of RF revolution frequency; monitored with Phase Loop. For large amount of data, monitor with larger ‘output_freq’.

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_PL_RF_phase(RFStation, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Plot of RF phase; monitored with Phase Loop. For large amount of data, monitor with larger ‘output_freq’.

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_PL_bunch_phase(RFStation, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Plot of bunch phase measured by the Phase Loop as a function of time. For large amount of data, monitor with larger ‘output_freq’.

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_PL_freq_corr(RFStation, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Plot of frequency correction applied by the Phase Loop as a function of time. For large amount of data, monitor with larger ‘output_freq’.

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_PL_phase_corr(RFStation, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Plot of phase correction applied by the Phase Loop as a function of time. For large amount of data, monitor with larger ‘output_freq’.

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_RF_phase_error(RFStation, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Plot of accumulated RF phase error; the Synchro Loop can act on this. For large amount of data, monitor with larger ‘output_freq’.

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_RL_radial_error(RFStation, h5data, output_freq=1, dirname='fig')

Plot of relative radial error; monitored with Phase Loop. For large amount of data, monitor with larger ‘output_freq’.

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_noise_spectrum(frequency, spectrum, sampling=1, dirname='fig', figno=0)

Plot of the phase noise spectrum. For large amount of data, use “sampling” to plot a fraction of the data.

blond.plots.plot_llrf.plot_phase_noise(time, dphi, sampling=1, dirname='fig', figno=0)

Plot of phase noise as a function of time. For large amount of data, use “sampling” to plot a fraction of the data.

plot_parameters Module

Functions to plot general and RF paramaters


Helga Timko

blond.plots.plot_parameters.plot_voltage_programme(time, voltage, sampling=1, dirname='fig', figno=0)

Plot of the RF voltage as a function of time. For large amount of data, use “sampling” to plot a fraction of the data.

plot_slices Module

Module to plot different bunch features


Helga Timko, Danilo Quartullo

blond.plots.plot_slices.plot_beam_profile(Profile, counter, style='-', dirname='fig')

Plot of longitudinal beam profile

blond.plots.plot_slices.plot_beam_profile_derivative(Profile, counter, style='-', dirname='fig', modes=['diff'])

Plot of the derivative of the longitudinal beam profile. Modes list should contain 1 or more of the elements below: 1) ‘filter1d’, 2) ‘gradient’, 3) ‘diff’

blond.plots.plot_slices.plot_beam_spectrum(Profile, counter, style='-', dirname='fig')

Plot of longitudinal beam profile